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   Setting up your Website Traffic Reseller Business

Setting up your Website Traffic Reseller Business

Web traffic reselling refers to the business of purchasing web traffic from an existing online supplier and selling it to other websites. It’s not a franchise nor is it a distributorship. Running the business totally depends on the website traffic reseller, from the packages, pricing, website management, down to the business name and brand design. The market for web traffic reselling is also growing fast so there’s a lot of competition.

If you seriously want to become a successful website traffic reseller, make sure you’re setting it up the right way. Here is our guide on setting up your website traffic reseller business for you to become a success:

1. Identify your business costs and set aside capital for it.

Consider the following product and operational costs as you put up your business:

• Web traffic products
• Web hosting
• Business phone line
• Website development and management
• Advertising and marketing

These costs will define the amount that you’ll be shelling out as capital for your business. To maximize your budget, look for reputable low-cost suppliers.

2. Decide on which products you will be selling.

You can choose to sell Alexa, Adult, Mainstream, Mobile or Video web traffic on your website. Alexa refers to online traffic that helps increase a website’s Alexa ranking. Adult is for websites that have content for people aged 18 and above. Mainstream is for any kind of non-Adult website out there, and can be customized based on location, niche, or both. Mobile directs online traffic to mobile gadgets. Lastly, Video drives online traffic to videos on video-sharing platforms. You can capitalize on one, some, or sell all.

3. Create your packages.

Determine how much profit you’d like to make and consider the costs of buying web traffic and your business operations. The packages you set should be able to cover your costs and get you good profit. That’s why you should buy everything low, so you can sell and earn high.

4. Put up your website.

Before opening shop, you should put up the shop, right? Go for web hosting, development and design services that are low-cost and trusted both by fellow website traffic resellers and the general public. Website traffic resellers that also offer this service are also worth considering.

5. Purchase website traffic and set your packages up online.

Buy website traffic at the same time you’re putting up shop. It would be best to purchase from a reputable supplier with low-cost website traffic reseller packages. Based on your budget, decide as well if you’re going to purchase from a wholesale supplier, or from a supplier that requires monthly payments.

Set your packages up on your website. After that, you’re good to sell!

6. Market your services

Have your website SEO optimized and write SEO blog articles that will lead to it. Put up a social media page where you can promote your website and blog. And last but not the least, drive visitors to your site by purchasing web traffic.
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